Saturday, February 27, 2010

So I've been thinking...

About my concentration and what it will be. And I've decided that It's going to be animation. Now why you may be asking, well because I'm the only doing it and because it's a great thing to expand on. With animation I can push what I'm working with to whatever. I can explore new ideas and themes with this medium and do that in a story form that can be followed and interpreted in many different ways. I can do my next two films that I've already planned on doing then do something completely different (I'm feeling a noir).

And btw I'm planning on putting up my storyboard for Pulp, but be warned it's a messy one.

1 comment:

  1. Gaaahhh I'm still baffled that someone can make animations for their concentration...

    That's so cool. I like animating... well... to some degree... it takes time and stuff...

    Will you have to take stills of the animations? OR will you have to make 12 seperate short films?

    And I still wonder if you use flash or hand draw each frame.
