Thursday, June 17, 2010

AP 2-D Final

if I had any wisdom to pass on to future members of AP 2-D it would be to give you're concentration room to explore. don't be specific or else you'll get really bored with it. If you pick some as specific as Teenage relations... you're going to have to do teenage relations 12 different ways. Maybe you're really interested in that, I don't know, but I would be really bored after concentration piece #3. For my concentration I chose Storytelling through Animation... maybe I'll tweak that a little through the next year maybe not but there's a lot of room in there to expand and that's what I like about it.

By far the best piece I created this year was a from of a man sitting in a ball thinking pensively. it didn't take very long and I liked how it came out in the end. I didn't need a model or a reference I just used pure memorization and craftsmanship to draw this person and that feels really accomplishing.

what I learned about myself this year as an artist was I am way more the Animator/Filmmaker than I am the Illustrator/Painter. I think that's because I don't like to freeze everything into one singular moment. It's nice for a painting when you sit their and appreciate all the vast little details of it but in film and animation you don't really have that. Instead you are given the ability to tell a much larger picture over a period of time. It also helps because some people tend to just look at a painting then walk away, but with what I'm doing they have to sit there and pay attention to it. Also I came to the conclusion that next year me and the giant Light Table are going to be very attached to one another.

Since I was only in AP for half a year I can't really say what was or wasn't the best because I wasn't there the whole time. But I really liked going downtown to the Jesse Reno Workshop where we could really just let loose and do whatever was in the moment. It was really nice making that transition from planing every aspect of my art form, the Barbeque was really good too, I just wish I brought a bigger appetite also the Scholastic Art Awards were great, not just because I received an award but also because it was really interesting seeing other artists at my age and what there doing.

In ten years, lets see I'll be 27 So hopefully I'll be doing something like being a director working on music videos, short films, and commercials. A best case scenario (and a long shot) would be to be directing feature length films which would be really, really great.

It was a good year and I look forward to the next.

I'll leave now with a couple of memorable quotes...

I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time.
I do not suppose I shall be remembered for anything. But I don't think about my work in those terms. It is just as vulgar to work for the sake of posterity as to work for the sake of money.
Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.

-Orson Welles